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Monday, April 15, 2013

Blue Sky Ideas & Products

What is it about my industry that shuns blue sky or moon shot ideas?

Is it because alcoholic beverages have been commercialized since the time of Alexander the Great?
It is because all producers are very tied to the land and what it produces?

I don't know but I have to agree with Larry Page of Google that industries and brands will eventually die if they are okay with incremental growth.

Consider if you will that marketing today is about 'talking points'. It is about having your brand or company be worthy of a water cooler conversation. What we want is to be associated with people's everyday conversations, just like when the talk about the weather, sports, economy or things that make them cool without being a snob. Right now our products, stores and brands are relegated to tribal conversations and not universal. How or what do we need to do to create a global conversation?

My guess is that it is not a product but an idea. An idea of a program that transcends the ordinary and becomes what people want to talk about.
